LONG distance operator LNER is the latest train operator to participate in the ‘Know Your Train’ service feature of the website Real Time Trains.
‘Know Your Train’ gives you more information about the rolling stock actually operating on each service, such as what it will look like and what the facilities are onboard. Using information from the operator, RTT is also able to tell you what orientation the train is in and where each coach is on the service.
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During the current pandemic, information like this has become more important than ever: every type of train is different and so are the social distancing characteristics. Even two different nine car trains with the same operator can have different overall capacity. With capacity reduced at present to support social distancing, this information becomes of even greater importance. We are actively working on ways in which we can better share information about train capacities on each service.
As well as the Know Your Train features first introduced with ScotRail, LNER services will also show additional information about the facilities available in each coach. On both the Azuma and InterCity 225 fleets, there’ll be symbols below each carriage on the train showing where each onboard facility is.

Real Time Trains says it will not be displaying the actual detailed loco or set numbers as it does for ScotRail, and GB Railfreight, nor will it identify any trains with special liveries. This is because the use of public transport is currently recommended for necessary journeys only. RTT says it acknowledges the rail enthusiasts amongst its users, but does not wish to encourage travel to see particular trains at the present time.
• Real Time Trains is a website which shows accurate running information for all UK train operators, and contains a variety of filtering options for an individual operator or freight, and by time. See www.realtimetrains.co.uk