This issue Rail Express gets caught up with operators as they prepare for the end of lockdown, plus the Irish government reaffirms it’s support for rail. This month’s issue is essential reading for today’s rail enthusiasts.
If you’d like to read this latest issue of Rail Express magazine, then you can download the digital version, order the print magazine, or better yet take out a subscription for the best value offers. Here’s what to expect this month…

Headline News
Operators prepare for end of lockdown; Covid-19 news round-up; Heritage lines ‘must be cautious’; Irish Governments reaffirm support for rail; Rail gains from more home shopping; ERS moves in to Yarmouth; IoW upgrade plan; Stay of execution for Northern ‘Pacers’; First look at West Midlands ‘730’; Track laying at new Feltham depot.
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The Retro Years: July
Our archives reveal more classic diesel and electric shots from 1970s onwards.
0-60 Recap
Part 2 ofalockdown look at the series so far, this time analysing the timed runs in order of their performance rating.
We have in-depth reviews of Bachmann’s excellent Class 117 suburban DMU and Heljan’s ‘OO’ gauge version of a Class 33. We also show how to kit-build a HOP21 coal hopper, and pose the question why aren’t there more models of on-track plant. Plus, there’s also news of more wagons to come from Ellis Clarke Trains and Accurascale.
PLUS! All the latest news covering Railtours, Preservation, Units, Shunters, Coaches, Wagons and the Irish modern traction scene.
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