Come on, hands up! Who fancies getting their hands on a Pendolino nameplate and raising money for the Severn Valley Railway and Kidderminster Railway Museum in the process?
Yes, we know this is a Diesel Gala and its most unlikely the Class 390 will be top of your favourite traction.
But the nameplates have been proving extremely popular, and with us due to hand over the keys for the west coast route to First Trenitalia in December, there has never been a better time to get your hands on some much sought after railway artefacts.
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And the really good news is all the money raised will be donated to the railway and the museum.
What nameplates are up for grabs?
We have got some crackers, including the likes of City of Birmingham and City of Liverpool. City of Stoke on Trent is also wanting a new home along with some of the more generic names like Virgin Glory and Virgin Venturer. If you are fan of your Westerns, then Virgin Invader might take your fancy.
You will find all the nameplates on show in Kidderminster Railway Museum on the Friday and Saturday (October 4/5). Just look to your right as you enter the main platform at Kidderminster.
For those not wanting to spend that much, we have also got a few Virgin Trains nose cones up for sale.

How do I get my hands on one?
Simply send a sealed bid via email to [email protected] clearly stating your name, your address, the plates you are wishing to bid, along with the sum of money you are willing to pay. Maximum of three bids per person. If it’s a Nose Cone, please just say ‘Nose Cone’ and then your bid.
Is there a reserve price and what will happen to the money?
Yes. There’s a reserve price of £500 for each nameplate.
When will I find out if I have been successful?
The auction will close at 17:00 on Monday 14 October. Winners will be notified the following week. We are asking that payment be made direct to the Severn Valley Railway and Kidderminster Railway Museum via cheque, details of which will be provided. All monies will be due in before Friday 25 October 2019. Winners will be responsible for collecting their nameplate.
Please note the plates will be in a ‘weathered’ condition, as they came off the set. Happy Bidding!
Visit www.virgintrains.co.uk/ for the latest offers and information.