The Transport Treasury team have been busy. Six new books in the past few weeks – and steam (mostly) issuing from the computers!
Starting with two 112 page black and white paperbacks, Transport Treasury Publishing have ‘Lost Diesels Lost Lines’ by Evan Green-Hughes. Evan’s interest and knowledge in his subject is well known and this new title is no exception featuring loco classes and lines the length and breadth of the country. The second large format paperback is ‘Western to the Coast’ by Jeffery Grayer. A companion to Jeff’s highly successful ‘Southern to the Coast’, here is the opportunity to indulge yourself in pure nostalgia.
Both are available now at £14.95 each.
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Next, two casebound books each of 80 sides in the TOTEM series. ‘Rails around Ireland – a journey in pictures’ by Charles Friel and Michael McMahon is a follow up to Michael’s earlier book on Ireland now out of print. Pure nostalgia all the way and reminding those of us who never took the opportunity to travel beyond these shores realise just what we missed. ‘And now for something completely different’. ‘A Glimpse of Indian Railways in 1975’ – and in full colour. Compiled by Colin Stone using images by Brian Walker, we are treated to a glimpse of the wonderful Indian railway scene.
£13.50 and £17.50 respectively.

Last but definitely not least a new issue of the increasingly popular ‘Western Times. No 3’ has an eclectic mix of articles covering the GWR and BR(W). Issue 3 includes the first part of an article on the Dean Singles, Country Stopping Places, Weed Killing, The Diesel Railcar Pairs, Photographing the GWR (THE GWR ‘official’ collection’, Warships in Colour, Bridge Loadings, Moretonhampstead in 1955: the Line South to Lustleigh, More about Milk etc etc. From initial sales Western Times 3 is proving very popular.
Don’t miss your chance to buy a copy at just £12.50. (Issue 4 is on schedule for August 2022.)

To accompany Western Times, they are delighted to announce the first issue of ‘Southern Times’. Identical in size, style, and content to WT, this is the new quarterly journal for followers of the Southern compiled by Kevin Robertson. Initial articles include the LSWR Steam Railmotors, Accident at Eastbourne 1930, Guildford to Waterloo a passenger’s description of the first electric journey, David McKenna Chairman and General Manager, Colour from S C Townroe, Treasures from the Bluebell Railway Museum, and lots more. They have been amazed by the initial interest Southern Times has generated and hope you will be too.
Just £12.50 for 80 sides on high quality art paper. Issue No 2 will be available in June 2022 and quarterly thereafter.

Hopefully the keyboards will have cooled down by now so they can start work on further new products which they really hope you will like as well. Oh, and don’t forget their new catalogue is also now available!
Remember that all their books are printed on paper sourced from sustainable sources.
Head to the Transport Treasury website to buy yours: